Welcome to Spring Term 2
This half term our topic is ‘Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age – Communities here long ago’. We will be finding out what life was like in history and also making links during our Forest School sessions on Thursday mornings. In science, we will be exploring different rocks and how fossils are formed. In English, we will be writing our own time travel stories based on the book ‘Stone Age Boy’.
Home Challenges Spring 2
These are optional and should be brought into school during the week beginning 31st March.
- Make a collage, sketch or painting of a famous rock formation or volcano.
- Imagine that you live during the Stone Age. Write a diary entry describing the different sorts of activities you might do e.g. hunting and collecting fire wood. What sorts of animals might you see?
- In science we are looking at rocks and their properties. Design a poster to explain how igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are formed and describe their different properties.
Welcome back to Spring Term 1
This half term our topic is ‘Why is Cambridge Flat?’. We will be making physical geography comparisons and identifying major mountain ranges across the world. In English we will be writing instructions for mountain climbing and mountain adventure stories using suspense. We will be exploring magnets in science and recreating a picture of Mount Fuji in art.Home Challenges Spring 1
These are optional and should be brought into school during the week beginning 10th February.
- Choose a particular mountain to research and share your findings with the class. You could find out about its location, height and other interesting facts. Your findings could include illustrations as well as text.
- Imagine that you are a mountain climber. Write your own diary entry about your expedition.
- In science we are looking at magnets. Create a poster to explain the different uses of magnets. You could research which materials are magnetic and which are not.
Welcome back to Autumn Term 2
This half term our topic is ‘How does Cambridge compare?’. We will be learning about the four countries of the UK and comparing our local area to Inverness. We will also be finding out about Loch Ness and the artist Steven Brown. In science we will be exploring how sound is made, including pitch and volume.
Home Challenges Autumn 2
These are optional and should be brought into school during the week beginning 16th December.
- In geography we are finding out about Inverness and Loch Ness. Create your own information poster about the area, including some facts and images.
- In science we are exploring how sound is made. Choose a musical instrument and describe how it makes sounds, thinking about how you can change the volume or pitch. You could draw and label an instrument or you could make a model of one.
Welcome back to Autumn Term 1
Welcome to Year 3! This half term our topic is ‘What Occurred in 1066?’. We will be learning about the Battle of Hastings, exploring the features of castles and designing our own castles. We are also looking forward to leading the Harvest Festival service on Wednesday 9th October.
Home Challenges Autumn 1
These are optional and should be brought into school during the week beginning 21st October.
- In history we are looking at the features of a castle. Create a labelled diagram of a castle, thinking about its defences in particular.
- In science we are exploring nutrition and different food groups. Design a healthy, balanced meal and label the different food groups.