
Outdoor Classroom Day

Outdoor Classroom Day 2018
This year we are looking forward to holding various outdoor activities in the weeks before and after Global Outdoor Learning Day - 17th May. Watch this space to see what we get up to!!

Outdoor Classroom Day 2017

On the 18th May (or as near to that as we could manage!) the children at Shelford School took part in a global campaign called 'Outdoor Classroom Day'. Along with children across the world, all classes held at least one lesson outside on that week covering a whole range of curriculum subjects and learning experiences.

For more information, please visit www.outdoorclassroomday.com 

Reception class normally do lots of outdoor learning in their own playground, but today we went on the field to gain inspiration for some poetry. We used our senses to explore what was around us and then wrote sentences to describe what we saw, felt and heard.
Year 4 had great fun outside doing a science activity. They used buckets of water, sponges and tarpaulin to explore exactly just how the water cycle works! 
Year 2 went outdoors for their Art lesson this week. They explored the meadow to find all sorts of interesting flowers, seeds, plants and leaves and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon making detailed observational drawings of what they found. Don't they look great? They then had great fun taking some of their collections back into the classroom to make their very own 'wild bookmarks'.
Year 6 made their own instruments to measure the height of trees outdoors using trigonometry. They then took their calculations inside to use their mathematical skills of ratio to estimate the height of various trees in the playground and found they were pretty accurate!!