

It is expected that all children will wear school uniform, as outlined below.

Accessible for All

We ensure that the cost to families is minimal. We do this by:

  • having second hand uniform available through our PTA;
  • accepting plain red jumpers for Reception to Y5 and plain royal blue jumpers for Y6 pupils; 
  • having access to the Shelford School Support Fund for families finding costs challenging (approach the Headteacher in confidence to access this);
  • working with charities and partners - such as John Huntingdon Charity

School Sweatshirt or Cardigan

Pupils from Reception to Year 5 wear a red school sweatshirt or cardigan.  Year 6 wear royal blue.  This helps them to be identified easily for all the helper roles they perform in school. Many families opt for the sweatshirt with the embroidered school crest, but plain versions are also acceptable.

Orders for school sweatshirts can be made through Brigade Limited online (see below).

Polo Shirts

White polo shirts embroidered with the school crest are available. Meanwhile, plain white polo shirts are also acceptable. 

Orders for school polo shirts can be made through Brigade Limited online (see below).


All skirts, pinafore dresses, trousers and shorts should be charcoal grey colour.

Summer dresses should be red striped or red checked fabric.

Other items

Other items of clothing should be in plain colours and appropriate for a working day at school. For example socks that are white, grey or black. 

Low heeled black shoes.  No trainers please.

PE Kit

Pupils have (a) nominated day(s) for PE in school. On these days, pupils will be required to come to school dressed in their PE Kit. Pupils should wear their house T-shirt and then dark blue or black weather-appropriate bottoms / tops. For example, Jogging bottoms, house T-shirt and a tracksuit top. Pupils can wear shorts under their jogging bottoms if the weather is changeable.

A house T shirt or white T-shirt, navy shorts/navy cycle shorts and trainers  make up the basic PE kit, along with a plain dark blue or black tracksuit.

Football boots, tracksuits or leotards etc. may also be recommended for various activities. Your child’s class teacher will make you aware of any specific curriculum requirements at the beginning of each school year.


Swimming takes place for all pupils in the second half of the summer term.

A towel, one piece swimming costume and hat should be provided.  Inexpensive hats may be purchased from the school office.

Children should not wear trainer boots, cropped tops, cycling shorts or T shirts with large logos to school.


Uniform can now be ordered on line via the link below.

On your first visit
1. Type - Great
2. Select our school from drop down list (2 options available-home delivery or delivery to school)
3. Submit your details
4. An email confirmation will be sent to you with your order number
Please select 'red' for Reception to Year 5 and select 'blue' for Year 6.
Please note orders can be packaged and sent free of delivery charge to the school office where they will be distributed to your child via their classroom. Otherwise they can be sent to your home for a small delivery charge.